We are IXII
Jamie Hudson
Jamie has 23 years of law enforcement experience as a Police Dispatcher, with the last 6 as a Dispatch Supervisor for the Elk Grove Police Department. He has worked at 3 dispatch centers, ranging from a solo dispatcher operation, to an operation with up to 13 dispatchers on duty at any given time. Jamie has served as a Dispatch Training Officer, Dispatch Training Instructor, and Lead Dispatcher as ancillary roles throughout his career. He is also a Hostage Negotiator and currently on the Hostage Negotiations Team at the Elk Grove Police Department. He is the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and co-owner of IXII Group, Inc.
Jamie has designed and instructed several California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) certified courses that include: 40-hour and 24-hour Communications Training Officer (CTO), 24-hour Professional Staff Training Officer (PSTO), 40-hour and 32-hour Tactical Dispatch, 8-hour Tactical Dispatch Concepts, 8-hour Crisis Negotiations for Dispatchers, 8-hour Assessing the Suicidal Caller, 24-hour WMD/Terrorism for First Responders, 8-hour Leadership for Dispatchers, 8-hour Customer Service for Dispatchers, 8-hour Disaster Preparation for Dispatchers, and 8-hour Coaching, Counseling, Mentoring and Motivating for Dispatchers.
Jamie is a certified POST Master Instructor, completing all 4 levels of the Instructor Development Institute. He served on the POST Communications Training Officer Advisory Board; assisting with the revising of POST’s CTO standards. He was selected to help develop a 40-hour Tactical Dispatch course for POST, for which he was selected as the Lead Instructor to present it. Jamie also assisted with the development of the POST Tactical Dispatch Concepts course that is posted on POST’s learning portal. He is the Region 3 (Sacramento) representative on the POST Public Safety Dispatch Advisory Council.
Terri Suggett
Terri is in her 25th year of service with the Placer County Sheriff’s Office at the Auburn Dispatch Center. A working shift supervisor on swing shift, Terri also serves as the head of the Tactical Dispatch Team, lead CLETS instructor for the department, and coordinates in-house training for the Dispatch staff. Terri is a graduate of the POST Master Instructor Certification Course (MICC), Class #2 in 2010. It was in the aftermath of the terror attacks of 9/11 that Terri began to instruct, her first instructor’s course was for the dispatch specific Terrorism Awareness for Communications. She co-instructed the Law Enforcement Response to Terrorism (LERT) for her agency personnel and provided the FEMA mandated NIMS/SEMS/ICS training to Placer county employees from numerous departments in preparation for the 2009 and 2011 statewide Golden Guardian Disaster Drills. Terri was awarded the FEMA California Instructor of the Year in 2008.
Terri has certified several dispatch specific POST courses for her agency, which she instructed to dispatchers from a variety of agencies. She is also part of the team of POST Master Instructors that instruct dispatchers and design Dispatch courses in the POST Public Safety Dispatcher Academy Instructors Certification Course.
With seven years of experience on her agency’s Tactical Dispatch Team, Terri was one of the subject matter experts invited to develop the new POST Tactical Dispatch course and was co-instructor for the POST pilot courses.